As law enforcement continues to crack down on driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses, it is important to understand the consequences surrounding these charges. Should you be pulled over by a police officer in New York for suspected intoxication, serious penalties could arise with fees mounting into the thousands, along with a revocation of driving privileges, and possible jail time, if you are found guilty.
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Tag: intoxicated driving
More Than 49,000 NYS Drivers Didn’t “Stay Off the Naughty List”
Newsdayreported that, as part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaignthat took place between December 13, 2018 and January 1, 2019, New York State police issued 48,877 tickets and arrested 783 people for drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs. During that time period, troopers also investigated 643 crashes that resulted in eight deaths and numerous injuries, according to New York State Police.
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Contact a Lawyer Immediately After a DUI/DWI
Being charged with a DUI can impact an individual financially as well as jeopardize his or her driving privileges. There are a number of defenses available in a DUI case that may reduce a charge or result in an acquittal. A recent case, which the defendant ultimately lost, helps illustrate one of those defenses. The New York State appellate division ruled on a case where a defendant was arrested for driving under the influence. The defendant was taken to the police station where the arresting officer and two other experienced officers witnessed a Breathalyzer test and an additional 13-step procedure. One officer administered the Breathalyzer test, along with the 13-step procedure, while another officer videoed the events.
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Avoid Intoxicated Driving This Summer
As we begin to reach the height of summer, it seems every weekend is consumed by barbeques, vacations, beach days, holidays, and other activities. Many people choose to relax at these weekend festivities with alcohol and some even choose to operate a vehicle while under the influence. July 4th has become one of America’s deadliest holidays as a result of the increased number of DWI accidents and overall, the abundance of summertime activities tend to heighten the risk of these tragic incidents.
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