It should go without saying that no one should ever drive drunk, or while under the influence of any intoxicating substances. However, some people do wind up driving drunk regardless, and if they are arrested for it, they can face many potential consequences, even without being convicted. Here are five potential consequences for drunk driving: Continue reading “Five Potential Consequences of a Drunk Driving Arrest”
Tag: DWI Defense
DWI Convictions and their Potential Consequences
Being arrested on a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge can be a life-changing event, even before you face the possibility of a plea or conviction at trial. Aside from facing the risk of imprisonment or fines, there are numerous possible consequences that can arise as a result of a DWI conviction. And if you’re facing down a DWI charge, it’s important to know what will happen if you plead guilty or get convicted at trial. Continue reading “DWI Convictions and their Potential Consequences”
A DWI Conviction Carries Strict Penalties in New York
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is one of the most preventable, but biggest mistakes a person can make. Alcohol can severely impair one’s cognitive abilities, reflexes, vision, and more. According to the State of New York, the level of impairment that affects each person is different and depends on five conditions:
- the amount of alcohol you drink;
- the amount of food you eat before or while you drink alcohol;
- the length of time you drink alcohol;
- your body weight; and
- your gender.
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Avoid Intoxicated Driving This Summer
As we begin to reach the height of summer, it seems every weekend is consumed by barbeques, vacations, beach days, holidays, and other activities. Many people choose to relax at these weekend festivities with alcohol and some even choose to operate a vehicle while under the influence. July 4th has become one of America’s deadliest holidays as a result of the increased number of DWI accidents and overall, the abundance of summertime activities tend to heighten the risk of these tragic incidents.
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What Should I do if Arrested for a DUI or DWI in New York?
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are serious traffic matter that could result in a criminal record and jail time. If you find yourself under questioning or arrest, consider the following.
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