New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has extended the state’s moratorium on residential evictions until January 1, 2021. This extension on the eviction moratorium is the latest in a series of extensions for a temporary measure that was originally intended to end in July. While tenants see the extension as a reprieve from potential homelessness, landlords are angered at being unable to kick out tenants who, in some cases, have not paid their rent in more than six months. Continue reading “Eviction Moratorium in NYS Extended Until Start of New Year”
Tag: moratorium
New York Eviction Moratorium Extended to October 1
A directive by the New York State Chief Administrative Judge has effectively extended the moratorium on evictions against residential tenants to October 1. The order comes just before the moratorium was set to expire, which would have once again made it legal in New York to begin evicting non-playing tenants. Residential tenants, therefore, get to breathe a momentary sigh of relief as they do not need to worry about being eviction from their homes, at least for now. Continue reading “New York Eviction Moratorium Extended to October 1”
With End of Moratorium Comes a Wave of Evictions
In March of this year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo instituted a moratorium on evictions throughout the state to alleviate some of the economic strain caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which is currently set to end on August 20. Even though the moratorium has yet to expire, landlords who have not been paid by their tenants are already filing in record numbers to evict delinquent tenants. As a result, many tenants may be facing eviction quite soon, causing confusion and chaos as tenants struggle to figure out what they will do once the moratorium ends. Continue reading “With End of Moratorium Comes a Wave of Evictions”